In 2007, after years of testing the waters, I finally applied for a business license, got set up with all the legal paperwork and started recruiting models for my portfolio. Was that really 10 years ago? My oldest is a high school senior and was only in second grade when this journey began. They say time flies when you're having fun - and it's been great adventure so far!
In the past 10 years, I've been honored to photograph so many families, babies, and high school seniors. I've documented special moments, shared stories, and preserved your family's legacy through printed photographs. I also offer headshots for talent in the booming Atlanta film and entertainment industry - Georgia ranks 3rd in the nation behind only California and New York in the film industry.
I've polished my website, updated my logo, earned my professional certification through the Professional Photographers of America, and I'm 2 print merits shy of earning my Master of Photography Degree - which I'm working to achieve this year.
Please join me on a photographic journey through the video below of a few of the people I've been blessed to meet and photograph over the past ten years.
Mar 11, 2017, 1:39:21 PM
Whitney Oeltmann - Congratulations on 10 years, Lisa!
You are amazing ❤
Mar 11, 2017, 7:02:02 AM
Allison - Congratulations,
Lisa Hill you have created so many great memories for our family. Great job on turning 10 years old.