Backyard Birds Calendar
The Backyard Birds Wall Calendars are sized 8.5x11 and printed on a soft, matte paper. Every bird featured in this year's calendar was photographed in my yard!
Please consider a 2025 Wall Calendar from Lisa Hill Photography for your friends, family, and clients this holiday season and get them ready for the New Year. With a custom order of calendars (11+with special quantity pricing), you can add your company name and logo to the front of the calendar! Please contact Lisa for details at
The sale of individual calendars benefits Birds Georgia - building places where birds and people thrive.
It all began in 2020, when our yards were the expanse of our universe, and I discovered an entire fantastical world of flowers, bees, birds, and all things nature in my own backyard! I purchased a macro lens for the close ups and a long telephoto for the beautiful Barred Owls that often visited.
I discovered beauty in the tiniest details and created a Certified Wildlife Habitat in my garden. By experimenting with native plants, my family saw a huge transformation in the wildlife who visit us each day. We’ve added bird feeders, a bird bath, and native plants like Coral Honeysuckle, Cranesbill, Sedum, American Beautyberry, and Indian Pink, to name a few.
The photographs in the 2025 Backyard Birds and Bees+Flowers calendars were all taken in my own home garden. I want to share with you the magic of wildlife that can exist (and flourish) in your own yard with the right plants and a sprinkle of love!