The world of digital photography is changing our history! We may soon go into the digital dark ages says
How many of you have full memory cards in your camera and no more space on your phone for another photo? How many of you start deleting images from your memory card and phone to be able to add a few more new photos from a special event. Or do you just take the memory card out of the camera, throw it in a drawer, and then start with a new one?
You have all these images that you'll never see again because it's just too overwhelming and time consuming to process them. When these digital images start degrading in a few years will you just have to rely on your memories?
One of the common complaints I hear from friends is that they want to save and back up their images. They want to clear off their memory cards. But it's overwhelming. Where do you begin???
Next Friday is your opportunity to take control and start ENJOYING your images!!! Join me for a FREE workshop to learn how to organize, manage, and SAVE your digital files.